通过定义路网子图空间, 提出了基于路网子图空间的Wardrop平衡原理, 建立了相应的交通流平衡分析模型, 并通过实例阐释了偏态均衡路网交通流的形成机理与演化过程。研究表明:该模型能够很好地解释包括新路开通期的路网交通流、换乘子图空间路网交通流、收费道路偏好子图空间路网交通流等多种情形下由于网络结构被差异性地认知所形成的偏态均衡路网交通流现象, 为多标准下交通流的平衡分析建立了新途径;该分析方法有助于道路网络结构设计与道路网络管理方案的优化。
A new conception of road network sub-graph space was proposed. A new kind of Wardrop equilibrium principle was induced based on road network sub-graph space, and traffic flow equilibrium analysis model which confirmed rule of Wardrop equilibrium principle on preferred sub-graph space and which had a uniqueness of solution was also built up. By this method, many traffic flow cases of road network with proportion of skew equilibrium road network, such as traffic flows contained in road networks which recently were constructed in some new links, traffic flows in transferable sub-graph space road network, traffic flows in tolling road preferred sub-network space, et al could be reasonably explained. The method provides a new way for establishment of traffic flow equilibrium analysis method under many standards and is helpful for formation of optimal management project of skew equilibrium traffic flow network.
交通工程 /
交通流 /
Wardrop平衡原理 /
平衡分析 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
traffic engineering /
traffic flow /
Wardrop equilibrium principle /
equilibrium analysis /
road network sub-graph space
{{custom_keyword}} /
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