运用ANSYS软件对软土运动作用下的桩-土相互作用的桩基础进行三维有限元分析, 以DP材料来模拟土体的弹塑性性质, 并考虑其大变形的影响, 在桩-土间设置接触单元研究桩-土的相互作用, 分析了软土层厚度和基桩数目对桩上侧向压力的影响, 并比较了群桩中各桩基上侧向压力分布情况。结果表明:软土在局部堆载作用下产生了较大水平变形, 桩上的侧向压力也较大;由于群桩中的“遮挡”和土拱效应, 各基桩受到的侧向压力荷载并不相同, 在被动桩的设计中应考虑这些因素的影响。
Pile-soil interaction of the passive pile under soft soil movement action was analyzed with 3-D finite element analysis by using ANSYS. Elastic-plastic property of the soil was simulated by the Drucker-Prager yield criterion in the analysis. The large deformation of soil was considered and contact elements were used to evaluate the pile-soil interaction. The influences of soil layers depth and piles number on the lateral pressure of the pile were analyzed. The lateral pressures on different piles were compared. Results show that the adjacent surcharge may result in significant horizontal deformation of the soft soil and considerable horizontal pressure on the pile. The pressure acting on the row near the surcharge is higher than that on the other row due to the barrier and arching effects in pile groups. The passive load and its distribution should be taken into account in the design of the passive piles.
道路工程 /
被动桩 /
三维有限元分析 /
桩-土相互作用 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
road engineering /
passive pile /
3-D finite element analysis /
pile-soil interaction /
lat-eral pressure
{{custom_keyword}} /
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