In order to scientifically evaluate the influences of integrated multi-modal transit information service (IMTIS) on travel mode choice behaviors, authors firstly analyzed its influence mechanism based on traffic hyper-network theory from the point of view of trip chain. Secondly, a nested Logit choice model was developed and travel time reliability factor was introduced to adjust the value of vital attribute variables of the utility function. Lastly, the nested Logit model was calibrated by maximum likelihood method based on data from a revealed preference survey conducted in the suburb of Shanghai, and usages of various travel modes with and without IMTIS were respectively counted out and contrasted. The result shows that IMTIS is effective to shift part travels from private modes to transit modes and thus improves share ratios of transit. Outcomes of this research can provide decision support for the development and improvement of transit information system in big cities.
交通工程 /
出行方式选择 /
超级交通网络理论 /
多模式公交信息服务 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
traffic engineering /
travel mode choice /
traffic hyper-network theory /
multi-modal transit information service /
revealed preference survey
{{custom_keyword}} /
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