采用驻波管法对不同频率下陶砂砂浆的吸声系数进行了测试分析,并与水泥混凝土涂漆衬砌进行了对比;分析了在普通碎石混凝土中添加陶粒对隧道混凝土路面的抗折性能、耐磨性能、吸声性能等方面的影响;通过依托湖北沪蓉西高速公路夹活岩特长隧道工程的对比应用,测试了不同对比段隧道内的噪声情况。结果表明:陶粒混凝土隧道路面、陶砂砂浆衬砌可以降低行车噪声1.4~2.8 dB,陶粒混凝土可以在保证路面板力学性能和耐磨性能的前提下,通过降低路面板刚度达到降低行车噪声的目的。
Using standing wave tube method, sound absorption coefficients for ceramsite mortar with different frequencies were tested, which were compared with the painting of cement concrete lining. Analysis on influence of ceramsite addition on flexural performance, wear resistance, acoustic performance etc. in concrete pavement was made. Applying construction of the Jiahuoyan Tunnel of the Shanghai-Chengdu Expressway, traffic noises of different sections of the tunnel were tested. Results show that the traffic noise of the tunnel with ceramsite concrete pavement and ceramsite mortar lining was reduced by 1.4 dB to 2.8 dB. Therefore, the ceramic concrete can meet the mechanical properties and wear resistance of the pavement, while it reduces the traffic noise by reducing the stiffness of concrete slab of the pavement.
道路工程 /
噪声 /
测试分析 /
陶砂砂浆 /
陶粒混凝土 /
吸声系数 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
road engineering /
noise /
test analysis /
ceramsite mortar /
ceramic concrete /
sound absorption coefficient /
flexural modulus
{{custom_keyword}} /
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