
谢文, 孙利民, 魏俊

中国公路学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (3) : 59-70.

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中国公路学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (3) : 59-70.


  • 谢文1,2, 孙利民1, 魏俊1
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Experimental Study on Seismic Performance of Bridge Piers with Structural Fuses and Its Application

  • XIE Wen1,2, SUN Li-min1, WEI Jun1
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Pseudo static tests and numerical simulation were used to investigate the seismic performance and energy dissipation capacity of piers designed according to the structural fuse concept. The applicability of fiber and equivalent models for piers was proved to be reasonable according to the experimental results. Both models of the piers were applied in the seismic damage control of a trial-designed long span cable-stayed bridge in the longitudinal direction and the effect of energy dissipation piers on seismic damage control of the bridge was evaluated with elastoplastic method by using seismic damage indices. Furthermore, the proposed new structural system was further verified through combination of the simulation and experimental results. The results show that the seismic performance and energy dissipation capacity of piers with fuse element are superior to a conventional single-column pier; the employment of damage control strategy with energy dissipation piers is effective and feasible to control the seismic damage of towers and meets the damage control targets; the supplemental fuse element between two columns can enhance the stiffness and energy dissipation capacity of piers and mitigate the seismic damage of piers.


桥梁工程 / 耗能型桥墩 / 抗震性能试验 / 超大跨斜拉桥 / 结构“保险丝”概念 / 地震损伤控制

Key words

bridge engineering / energy dissipation pier / seismic performance test / super long span cable-stayed bridge / structural fuse concept / seismic damage control


谢文, 孙利民, 魏俊. 附有结构“保险丝”构件的桥墩抗震性能试验研究及其应用[J]. 中国公路学报, 2014, 27(3): 59-70
XIE Wen, SUN Li-min, WEI Jun. Experimental Study on Seismic Performance of Bridge Piers with Structural Fuses and Its Application[J]. China Journal of Highway and Transport, 2014, 27(3): 59-70
中图分类号: U442.55   


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