In order to provide theoretical basis for the signal timing plan at Hook-turn intersection, motor vehicle delay model for the straight lane was developed. Then with consideration of two conditions that left-turning vehicles in the waiting area of the intersection spilled over and didn't spill over, the expectation delay model of the motor vehicles for the lane shared by straight, left-turning and right-turning motor vehicles was established. The impact of left-turning vehicles in the waiting area on other traffic flows in the same phase was studied and the calibration method for effectively utilized green time was established. With minimum average motor vehicle delay as the object, and cycle length and green time as variables, the optimization method for signal timing plan was developed. The traffic data of an actual intersection were employed to validate the method. Two improved plans were developed based on the Hook-turn method. Then the motor vehicle delay indexes of the two improved plans and current plan were collected in VISSIM and the indexes of the three plans were compared for analysis. The results show that the Hook-turn method can decrease the average delay of motor vehicles in the straight lane and all motor vehicles at the intersection under the optimal signal timing plans. The benefit of Hook turn is significant when the volume of left-turning motor vehicles is small.
交通工程 /
信号控制 /
优化模型 /
左转机动车组织 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
traffic engineering /
signal control /
optimization model /
left-turning motor vehicle organization /
motor vehicle delay
{{custom_keyword}} /
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