
郭孔辉, 李红, 宋晓琳, 黄江

中国公路学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (9) : 106-114.

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中国公路学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (9) : 106-114.


  • 郭孔辉1,2, 李红1, 宋晓琳1, 黄江1
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Study on Path Tracking Control Strategy of Automatic Parking System

  • GUO Kong-hui1,2, LI Hong1, SONG Xiao-lin1, HUANG Jiang1
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为了降低泊车系统对驾驶人车速控制要求,针对泊车过程中驾驶人车速控制失误致使车辆偏离泊车路径最终导致泊车失败的问题,提出了结合定点跟踪的非时间参考的路径跟踪控制策略(Non-Time Based Path Tracking combined with Point Tracking, NTBPTcwPT)。设计了定点跟踪控制律,建立了NTBPTcwPT控制模型,并进行了泊车路径跟踪仿真。结果表明:基于NTBPTcwPT的泊车控制策略降低了控制器对驾驶人速度控制的要求;NTBPTcwPT策略的位姿调整功能提高了泊车成功率;基于NTBPTcwPT策略的控制器可实现车辆规范停放。


In order to reduce the parking system's requirements on velocity control for drivers, in view of the problem of parking failure caused by the car's departure from the parking path because of the driver's velocity control error during parking process, non-time based path tracking combined with point tracking (NTBPTcwPT) control strategy was proposed. Point tracking control law was designed and NTBPTcwPT control model was built for parking path tracking simulation. The simulation results show that the parking control strategy based on NTBPTcwPT reduces the requirement on velocity control for drivers. Position adjustment function of NTBPTcwPT strategy improves the success rate of parking. The controller based on NTBPTcwPT strategy can park the car in regulation.


汽车工程 / 泊车控制策略 / 路径跟踪 / 定点跟踪 / 自动泊车系统

Key words

automotive engineering / parking control strategy / path tracking / point tracking / automatic parking system


郭孔辉, 李红, 宋晓琳, 黄江. 自动泊车系统路径跟踪控制策略研究[J]. 中国公路学报, 2015, 28(9): 106-114
GUO Kong-hui, LI Hong, SONG Xiao-lin, HUANG Jiang. Study on Path Tracking Control Strategy of Automatic Parking System[J]. China Journal of Highway and Transport, 2015, 28(9): 106-114
中图分类号: U471.15   


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国家自然科学基金项目(51175159);湖南省研究生科研创新项目(CX 2013B146)
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