
黄明华, 李嘉成, 赵明华, 陈昌富

中国公路学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1) : 12-20,56.

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中国公路学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1) : 12-20,56.


  • 黄明华, 李嘉成, 赵明华, 陈昌富
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Nonlinear Analysis on Load Transfer Mechanism of Bolts in Layered Ground

  • HUANG Ming-hua, LI Jia-cheng, ZHAO Ming-hua, CHEN Chang-fu
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A novel nonlinear shear-slipping model (named biexponential model) is introduced to study the nonlinear characteristics of the mechanical and deformation of bolts in layered ground soils. The nonlinear differential equation governing the load transfer mechanism of the bolts is obtained based on the basic principle of the load transfer method. Subsequently, the analytical formulas of the displacement, axial force, and shear stress of the bolts are derived, and the computational method and procedure are obtained. Then, the mechanical and deformation characteristics including the load-displacement curve, axial force distribution, and shear stress distribution are discussed. The effect of the anchorage position on the mechanical and deformation characteristics of the bolts is also studied. The validity of the proposed approach is finally verified by engineering projects. The results show that the axial force and shear stress distributions along bolts in the layered ground soils exhibit similar features to those in uniform soils when the pullout load is relatively small. However, when the pullout load is relatively large, owing to the obvious influence of the layered properties, the axial force and shear stress distributions along the bolts in the layered ground soils have interface effects, e.g. turning and leaping points. The ultimate bearing capacity and ductility of the bolts increase with the anchorage length in the compacted and hard soils. During the full-range pullout process including the elastic bonding and plastic deformation (local softening) and slipping stages, the calculated results of the proposed approach show good agreements with the measured values in the field, and characterize the nonlinearity of interfacial shear and deformation.


道路工程 / 锚杆 / 荷载传递法 / 受力变形特征 / 非线性分析

Key words

road engineering / bolt / load transfer method / mechanical and deformation characteristic / nonlinear analysis


黄明华, 李嘉成, 赵明华, 陈昌富. 层状地基中锚杆拉拔荷载传递非线性分析[J]. 中国公路学报, 2019, 32(1): 12-20,56
HUANG Ming-hua, LI Jia-cheng, ZHAO Ming-hua, CHEN Chang-fu. Nonlinear Analysis on Load Transfer Mechanism of Bolts in Layered Ground[J]. China Journal of Highway and Transport, 2019, 32(1): 12-20,56
中图分类号: U417.11   


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