为了给设置于左转圆曲线处的避险车道流出角与引道长度设置提供参考,针对山区高速公路广泛采用的9.0 m宽制动床避险车道,考虑左转圆曲线半径和驶入速度的影响,进行了不同流出角度与引道长度的驾驶仿真试验研究。采用UC-win Road 9.0驾驶仿真平台,获取了不同场景下16名男性B照驾驶人由主线驶入紧急避险车道过程中的车辆运行特征数据。采用拟合回归的方法,分析了圆曲线半径和驶入速度对方向调整时间、最小转向半径、方向盘转角幅值、方向盘转角频率的影响,建立了各指标与圆曲线半径的定量回归关系模型,并对比了主线为直线时的试验结果。采用二阶聚类的方法对不同圆曲线半径条件下的引道与流出角度的设置水平进行分类,获取了适宜设置避险车道的初步条件。根据车辆的行驶稳定性,确定了左转圆曲线处避险车道流出角与引道的设计标准。研究结果表明:左转圆曲线处避险车道的流出角受圆曲线半径的影响,引道长度受圆曲线半径与驶入速度的影响;主线半径1 000 m及以上,流出角0°~5°,引道为6 s设计行程,流出角5°~10°,引道为9 s设计行程;条件困难时,紧急避险车道可设置于半径600~1 000 m的曲线处,流出角0°~5°,引道为9 s设计行程,流出角5°~15°,引道为12 s设计行程。
Simulations with different departure angles and approach road lengths were performed to provide references for the design and construction of truck escape ramps located in left turning circular curves. The study was aimed at 9.0 m wide truck escape ramps that are widely used in mountainous expressways, and the effects of the radius of the left turning circular curve and entering speed were considered. Data representing the driving characteristics of 16 male truck drivers, holding class B driving license, driving in different scenarios from mainline into truck escape ramps were obtained using UC-win/Road 9.0 driving simulator. The effects of radius of the circular curve and entering speed on the adjusting time, minimum turning radius, and steering wheel angle amplitude and frequency were analyzed using regression analysis method. The quantitative regression model was established between each index and radius of the circular curve. The results were compared with experimental data for truck escape ramps located in straight lines. Second-order clustering method was used to classify the setting levels of the approach road length and departure angle for different radii of the circular curve, and appropriate initial conditions for the optimal setting of truck escape ramps were obtained. Finally, design parameters of truck escape ramps were determined taking the lateral stability of errant vehicles into consideration. Based on the obtained results, truck escape ramps with radii no less than 1 000 m are recommended at the mainline. For departure angles ranging between 0-5° and 5-10°, the recommended approach road lengths are 6 s design speed and 9 s design speed, respectively. Under the restricted conditions, truck escape ramps can be set at horizontal curves with radii ranging between 600-1 000 m. For departure angles ranging between 0-5° and 5-15°, the approach road lengths are 9 s design speed and 12 s design speed, respectively.
交通工程 /
紧急避险车道 /
二阶聚类 /
左转圆曲线 /
引道长度 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
traffic engineering /
truck escape ramp /
second-order clustering /
left turning circular curve /
approach road /
departure angle
{{custom_keyword}} /
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